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It’s almost the end of the first day of the Dragon Year right over here in The Netherlands.

Nothing special came up for me except skyping with my family and my father helping to keep both my feet on the ground, as always.  So I was the good student trying to prepare for this week’s lessons which is gonna be interesting.

Before the day ends, I thought about the dragon and my current base in Europe. And I remembered my trip to London’s National Gallery where once again awed by the numerous paintings hall after hall from Italy to Great Britain, created so many centuries ago. There were many with angels, drawn as human forms with wings, and I never got tired of seeing them.

I couldn’t help then but make a connection of these angels with the legendary dragon of China, that has mystical powers to fly. People of the past must have dreamt of flying, did they not? Did they think it was impossible? Because I hope they know what we have today – the ability to really fly, and fly far and wide (and back to home).

As cliche as it sounds, it’s a reminder to never stop dreaming, because it can happen.